For The Women Looking To Get Their Piece Of The $2 BILLION DOLLAR Speaking Industry

For The Women Looking To Get Their Piece Of The $2 BILLION DOLLAR Speaking Industry

Give Me 3 Short Days And I'll Show You...

The Fast-Track Formula for Becoming a Highly-Paid, Highly-Impactful Speaker...

Even If You Don't Have A Large Following, A Polished Presentation, Or Prior Speaking Experience!

 Hit Play To See How You Can Get Your Hands on My Multi-Million Dollar Speaking Strategy

Your Special Discount Expires In...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
This 3-Day intensive was FIRE! We Learned SO MUCH! Dr. Sonja's Energy was so infectious! We learned how to find speaking events, how to have even coordinators reaching out to us, how to write a book in 90 days, the dos and don't for communications, how to craft our talk and how to EASILY make what you want!

- Adaina Biggs

This 3-Day intensive was FIRE! We Learned SO MUCH! Dr. Sonja's Energy was so infectious! We learned how to find speaking events, how to have even coordinators reaching out to us, how to write a book in 90 days, the dos and don't for communications, how to craft our talk and how to EASILY make what you want!

- Adaina Biggs

Here's What You Need to Know...

What You Need to Know...


The event is 100% virtual so you can attend from your living room, office, or wherever!


Women Speak and Grow Rich Starts On May 28th and goes until May 30th!


Each Day of Women Speak and Grow Rich Starts At 11am EST and goes until 1pm EST


The event is 100% virtual so you can attend from your living room, office, or wherever!


Women Speak and Grow Rich Starts On May 28th and goes until May 30th!


Each Day of Women Speak and Grow Rich Starts At 11am EST and goes until 1pm EST

The No-Fluff, No-Hype "Secret Sauce" For Unleashing Your Unique Voice, Conquering ANY Stage, And Skyrocket Your Speaking Profits...

Whether you've never spoken on stage before or you’re tired of getting paid table scraps…
There’s 3 elements that will set you apart and put you on the right path to becoming that sought-after Speaker...
3 elements that when done right allow you to break out of obscurity, step into your power, and get booked out month after month on some of the biggest stages in the world…
 Imagine what it would be like to share stages with some of your biggest idols…
 Imagine waking up in the morning and seeing your email flooded with requests for you to give a keynote…
 Imagine knowing that every time you go up on stage you’re getting paid more money than you ever thought possible…
Whether you've never spoken on stage before or you’re tired of getting paid table scraps…
There’s 3 elements that will set you apart and put you on the right path to becoming that sought-after Speaker...
3 elements that when done right allow you to break out of obscurity, step into your power, and get booked out month after month on some of the biggest stages in the world…
 Imagine what it would be like to share stages with some of your biggest idols…
 Imagine waking up in the morning and seeing your email flooded with requests for you to give a keynote…
 Imagine knowing that every time you go up on stage you’re getting paid more money than you ever thought possible…
Well you can stop imagining because that’s exactly what you’ll potentially experience after attending this 3-day virtual experience…

Look, my story is no different than yours…

I was totally clueless when I started!

Nobody knew who I was and I knew NOTHING about how to get paid as a speaker…
 I didn’t know how to speak in a way that captured the audience's attention...
 I didn’t know how to put together a keynote presentation that created a deep relationship with the audience while giving them massive transformations...
 I didn’t know how to pitch my speaking services to get on massive stages while getting paid THOUSANDS for each speaking gig…
And if I had to guess, you are way further along the 'speaking' path than I was when I first started…
And after generating multiple 8-figures in my own speaking business and helping thousands of powerful women turn their pain into profits while impacting the masses...

I took all of the best strategies and packed them into a step-by-step framework that I used to obliterate the barriers holding me back from building my speaking empire

Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll take away…

 A step-by-step game plan to go from total obscurity to speaking on some of the biggest and best stages in the world…
 Why there is a HUGE need for female speakers right now, and how you can capture this opportunity to be seen, heard, and make life-changing impact to those that truly need it...
 Why I believe most speakers struggle to get paid...and the secret to rapidly rise to the top 2% of speakers (in both influence AND impact...) to do ALL of this while being authentic, entertaining AND impactful…
Once you discover the 3 key elements that took me from total obscurity to generating over 8-figures as a speaker... You'll see just how obtainable it truly is and wonder why you’ve been waiting to get started!

So if ready to share your message, impact the masses and build a wildly successful speaking empire all you have to do is click the button below and claim your ticket right away!

“Girl you keep talkin’ about these 3 key elements! What are they!?”

The 3 Key Elements That Separate Speakers Who Get Paid With Starbucks Gift Cards and Fruit Baskets From Those Who Get Paid Their Bag


A Proven Formula for Tapping Into Your Identify and 
Finding That Special Thing That Makes You Unique. And Once You Tap This ‘Essence’ People Will Be Drawn To You Like a Magnet.
A Proven Formula for Tapping Into Your Identify and Finding That Special Thing That Makes You Unique. And Once You Tap This ‘Essence’ People Will Be Drawn To You Like a Magnet.


The Secret to Creating Authority and Making An Indelible Mark in Your Niche. It’s What Ensures You Above Everyone Else in Your Market, Turning You Into A “Must” Have.


An Easy Yet Powerful Way To Put It All Together and Turn Your Message Into Profits Doing What You Love and Charging What You’re Worth Without Feeling Guilty About it.

During the three days we'll spend together, you'll learn my proven step-by-step blueprint for becoming an impactful, purpose-driven speaker in any industry…

…Even If You’re Brand Spankin’ New & Have No Speaking Experience


Unlocking The Power In Your Voice

Day 1 is all about finding POWER in your voice and
identifying your secret sauce as a speaker, which 
includes your story and your message.

Day 1 is all about finding POWER in your voice and identifying your secret sauce as a speaker, which includes your story and your message.

During Day 1 you’ll discover:
  • How to unlock your “secret sauce” that makes you unique as a speaker, coach, or business leader…
  • The 6-figure storytelling framework for tapping into your unique message...Even if you don’t think you have a story to tell
  • How to craft a story that captivates and connects with your audience throughout your entire keynote…


Becoming An Unforgettable Authority Figure

Day 2 is all about PRESTIGE - creating authority and 
making an indelible mark in your speaking niche.

Day 2 is all about PRESTIGE - creating authority and making an indelible mark in your speaking niche. During day 2 you’ll discover:

During Day 2 you’ll discover:
  • How to craft the #1 tool that’ll instantly accelerate you to the forefront of your industry within a single event…
  • How the top 2% of coaches create instant authority and make an indelible mark across their industry…
  • The secret to crafting a high-value keynote to speak to the right audience…
  • ​The #1 framework to deliver your keynote to the world in the most impactful way possible…



Day 3 is all about PROFITS - packed with proven 
strategies for getting your message to the world and 
monetizing your business.

Day 3 is all about PROFITS - packed with proven strategies for getting your message to the world and monetizing your business.

During Day 3 you’ll discover:
  • The exact system I’ve used to secure multiple high-end keynote talks… and how you can do the same even if you’re just starting out as a speaker…
  • The 6-figure “Secret Weapon” for success… And why following this unspoken rule is the fastest way to generate income during and after every speaking performance you attend…
  • My “hidden” strategies for charging your worth as a speaker without feeling bad about charging so much…

“What Makes Women Speak Grow Rich Different Than Other Events?”

Glad You Asked! Check It Out:
Glad You Asked! 
Check It Out:
  • Women Speak & Grow Rich Intensive:
You get the advantage to learn from a coach that has generated multiple 8-figures in sales using the same strategies you'll be experience during the event.
  • Other Events:
Instructors with little or imperfect success who are now teaching others as a way to overcome their difficulties.
  • Women Speak & Grow Rich Intensive:
You’ll get handed the exact step-by-step blueprint I used and still use to this day to generate over 8-figures in my business and speak on some of the world's biggest stages.
  • Other Events:
They teach you outdated information that no longer works as it used to or, worse… is based on philosophy and wasn’t even tested by the speaker.
  • Women Speak & Grow Rich Intensive:
You’ll learn more than “just” actionable information. You’ll get an entire roadmap to follow so you can shortcut your way to becoming a profitable speaker.
  • Other Events:
There is no real "roadmap" to follow; you are just bombarded with information than have to figure it out yourself.
  • Women Speak & Grow Rich Intensive:
Although this event is 100% virtual, we know how important it is to grow your network. After all your network is your net worth. That’s why with the private event community, you’ll get to meet other incredible women just like you who are on the same journey as you are!
  • Other Events:
Their virtual event is just the event. There isn’t a way to really network with others who attended the event.

“That’s Great And All, Dr. Sonja, But Girl… How Do I Know You’re Legit?”

See What Others Are Saying About My Teaching Philosophies & Events…

See What Others Are Saying About My 
Teaching Philosophies & Events…

Once You Register For The 3-Day Intensive, You’ll Also Receive A Couple Power-Packed Bonuses To Accelerate Your Journey As a “Profitable” Speaker


WSGR Checklist

Be as successful as possible with a step-by-step checklist to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.

(Value: $97)

(Value: $97)


WSGR Workbook

Walk away with a physical plan that is unique to you so you can book your first or next profitable keynote in 60 days or less.

(Value: $97)


Event Community

Your network is your net worth! Network with other powerful women just like you in the private event community & start building relationships that’ll last a lifetime.

(Value: $197)

(Value: $197)

Here’s Everything You Get When You Secure Your Spot At The 3-Day Intensive Today

 Access to the 3-Day Training - (Value: $997)
 Access to the 3-Day Training - (Value: $997)
 BONUS #1: WSGR Checklist - (Value: $97)
 BONUS #2: WSGR Workbook - (Value: $97)
 BONUS #3: The Private Event Community - (Value: $197)
 BONUS #1: WSGR Checklist - (Value: $97)
 BONUS #2: WSGR Workbook - (Value: $97)
 BONUS #3: The Private Event Community - (Value: $197)

Total Value: $1,191

General Admission: $297

today's Special: $75

Your Special Discount Expires In...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

There’s Just One Catch…

"I can't promise when or even if I’ll be doing this event again…

Over the course of 3 days, I'll be walking you through step-by-step how I and other high-impact speakers are creating impact on so many levels... 

And how with a strong enough desire and willpower, other high-achieving entrepreneurs can do the same. 
Diana Ross once said... 

"You can't just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself"...

Don't let your life pass you by while you're busy “waiting” for something to happen to you...

Because now you no longer have a problem... Now you have a solution... 

However, that solution comes with a choice... 

The choice to either ignore everything I just told you and continue spinning your wheels speaking at gigs for fruit baskets and "exposure"...

Trying to keep your head above water, playing small, hoping eventually in years to come…. You might just break free... 

Or you can choose to accept the challenge and make today a defining moment for the rest of your life and join the 3-day virtual experience…

Cutting your learning curve from years to days and finally see what it feels like to have real freedom and create an everlasting impact.. 

But I can't make this decision for you... 

All I can do is show you the way... 

The choice is yours and only yours to make. But choose carefully... 

Because the decision you make right now is going to decide the rest of your life... 

One that you will look back on and realize that this very moment was the moment that changed everything for you... 

So do you continue to go about your day and shove this opportunity to the back of your mind, and in 30-days from now, you’ll be nothing but 30-days older?

All while other people no smarter, no more skills, and no more capable are making an indelible mark in their industry…

Or do you finally say enough is enough and take one small step forward to creating that empire you’ve been dreaming of?

All you have to do is click the button below to secure your spot right now.

The choice is yours… 

Click the button below to claim your spot now.


Your Special Discount Expires In...
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


Your Early-Bird Discount Expires In...
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.